After updating my iPhone X to 14.0.1 my face id does not work.
After updating my iPhone 10 to 14.0.1 my face id does not work even after soft restart help !!!!
How can I fix this help ?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone X
After updating my iPhone 10 to 14.0.1 my face id does not work even after soft restart help !!!!
How can I fix this help ?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone X
thanks Axel you were very helpful...I called Apple they are sending me a replacement phone camera is broken not software's a hardware issue and they resolved it thanks again for taking your time to help me ..A R
thanks Axel you were very helpful...I called Apple they are sending me a replacement phone camera is broken not software's a hardware issue and they resolved it thanks again for taking your time to help me ..A R
Lets try a Force ReStart then-
Try and Force Restart your iPhone exactly as shown below and see whether that resolves the issue:
Axel F.
Axes do I do this when iPhone is off or on it did not do anything with the iPhone already on ?
Ok that worked Axel but I am still not able to reactivate my face ...this is bad...
I think I found the problem when I go to my camera to take a picture my screen is black I cannot take a picture somehow my camera is disabled or broken how do I fix this any ideas out there ??
I recommend that you have it examined at the Apple Store or at an Apple Authorized Service Center to determine the cause. If they are not open then please contact ➔ Apple Support
Axel F.
You are welcome and I am glad that all got resolved.
Axel F.
After updating my iPhone X to 14.0.1 my face id does not work.