One of those undocumented eccentricities of Apple.. the Airport Utility as a totally unique app to the airport routers..
You can select ethernet in the LEAST obvious location.

I happen to have exactly what Bob described. a Time Capsule connected by ethernet to network and also plugged into the computer.. but not using it directly for networking other than for test things.
The option to select ethernet is under
Other WiFi Devices..
isn't that a blindly obvious location for a totally unnecessary option??
Since when on a network do I need to specify access if it is by ethernet or wifi.. but somehow with Apple it does.. weird.
Note a few other little twigs and figs you need to fix.
Use a Static IP on the Internet tab..
Turn IPv6 to link local only (internet options tab)
Fix Domain.. which is a bit more complicated depending on ISP and main router.. because for now and evermore the TC is in local domain.
Access by IP might work better than name.. since bonjour can fail badly in some routers.
This will cause the Airport to disappear from the network.. which is why you need static IP and ability to mount the TC share by IP.
Can give more if you need it.