My IPad is not worked
Hi my IPad not working how can I fix it I have
warranty 2 years
Hi my IPad not working how can I fix it I have
warranty 2 years
The standard device warranty does not cover accidental damage or screen breakage.
If, at time of purchase, you opted for the additional cost AppleCare+ extended warranty, then this will provide cover for up to two incidents of damage to the screen or iPad.
Who did you pay $69 to? Apple?
As Lotus said it may not be covered under the repair you want.
I have told you numerous times what to do, you need to contact Apple Support for help
Normal iPads have a warranty of 1 year. Do you have Apple Care.
We can try and help you fix it if you post more info if not contact Apple Support for help
We need the model number not the serial number.
Maybe it's best for you to contact Apple Support if your not going to tell us the issue.
We can't help if we don't know what's wrong
The screen was broken, is the warranty cover
Please contact Apple Support for help.
We are unable to help you on this community
I pay 2 years warranty for 69 dollars. How can a I sent the iPad to the store to fix it or replace
My IPad is not worked