-54 Music Library
I had an very large Music Library on my MacBook. One way or the other it was not saved the proper way and lots of playlists etc are lost. I have to start all over again. But that is not possible. I continually get the message (In Dutch, so maybe not good translated): "The Music Library File can not be saved. There has been an unknown mistake (-54)". It pops up every five minutes and I don't know what to do. I have emptied in the library direction the cashes associated with music and iTunes, and restarted the computer. After restart starts with an empty music library which soon ads the things I purchased in the iTunes Store. But still the message .... -54 pops up. The items I found on the internet concerning the -54 has all to do with synchronization. I'm not trying to synchronize. So that cannot be the solution. Who can help?
MacBook Pro 17", macOS 10.13