Downloading movies
I cannot download movies I previouslghy purchasedd to my ndew Mac Air. How do I do this after I have auithenticated the device?
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.13
I cannot download movies I previouslghy purchasedd to my ndew Mac Air. How do I do this after I have auithenticated the device?
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.13
I meant that no matter where you are saving them to, OSX will 1st use the Boot Drive... it needs plenty of space on your Boot drive to store temporary files.
Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at startup), does the problem occur in Safe Mode?
To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
Open System Preferences>Users & Groups, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
Does it work in the new account?
I meant that no matter where you are saving them to, OSX will 1st use the Boot Drive... it needs plenty of space on your Boot drive to store temporary files.
Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at startup), does the problem occur in Safe Mode?
To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
Open System Preferences>Users & Groups, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
Does it work in the new account?
Yes, 121GB of storage is plenty to download some movies. If you are still running MacOS 10.13, you will want to go to iTunes> then choose Movies from the selection menu and there should be a Purchased tab somewhere in that window.
I have gone to the list of my purchased movies. That is not the problem. I have them in front of me. When I go to the cloud icon next to any ione of hem and hit it,nothing happens. How do I get them to download?
Double tap, or right mouse click open with. It is stored on your iCloud. If you are having connection issues to your iCloud account it won’t work. Your account info for Apple Support Communities should allow you to login iCloud with Apple menu - System Preferences.
How much free space do you have? Most Airs have a limited amount of space for movies. You need a minimum of 5 GB for a single 2 hour movie.
I have 16 GB’s on a new Macbook Air. Plenty of space but none of the movies react when I hit the cloud symbol
16 GB is not even enough for safe operation, the OS itself needs that much elbow room or more.
I have 121 GB of flazh storage for downloading purposes left of the 251 available. That sould be plentry shouldn’t it?.
I believe OSX uses the Boot drive to download temporary files before saving them to the external drive.
How do I download to a boot drive? Nothing happens when I click on the cloud icon. It does not react. I tried to drag the movies to an external bot drive as well. Nothing works. Please help.
Downloading movies