iMac stuck in boot screen
How to fix an iMac stuck in boot screen
iMac 27", macOS 10.15
How to fix an iMac stuck in boot screen
iMac 27", macOS 10.15
Did you hold down the Shift key for up to 10 minutes when attempting to restart in Safe Mode?
If you are restarting in the Recovery Partition (hold down Command + R on startup until it boots) then open Disk Utilities first, run First Aide 2-3 times back to back and look for errors. If any appear your HD is damaged. If no errors appear, exit DU then re-install Mac OS and attempt to re-start. If it still doesn't work, there is hardware damage and you need to go to an Apple Authorized Service Provider to have it professionally diagnosed and repaired.
Did you hold down the Shift key for up to 10 minutes when attempting to restart in Safe Mode?
If you are restarting in the Recovery Partition (hold down Command + R on startup until it boots) then open Disk Utilities first, run First Aide 2-3 times back to back and look for errors. If any appear your HD is damaged. If no errors appear, exit DU then re-install Mac OS and attempt to re-start. If it still doesn't work, there is hardware damage and you need to go to an Apple Authorized Service Provider to have it professionally diagnosed and repaired.
Not sure how that would have happened, except for overnight OS updates, but I'm running Clean MY Mac and think there's just not enough space on the harddrive (almost 200 gb of image and video files I should back up elsewhere).
But, thank you for sticking with me on this! :-)
CleanMyMac is considered malware by most experience users on these forums. It has zero value as it does NOTHING that Mac OS cannot already do. I would STRONGLY recommend uninstalling it per the developers instructions. Mac OS does not benefit from nor does it require ANY third party antivirus, cleaning or any other types of "maintenance" apps. If simply kept up-to-date and otherwise left alone Mac OS performs reliably for years for most users. You install may have been corrupt due to modifications CMM may have done to Mac OS!
Thank you for the advice. Although I recently paid for CleanMyMac X, I uninstalled it, and I also reset the SLEEP/WAKE configurations in Energy Saver, which was where the problem was each time I restarted (and i checked off sending the info to Apple). So far so good!
Sorry, please click PRAM and NVRAM Reset
Attempt to restart in Safe Mode per the direction in Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac - Apple Support . Please pos back with the results.
Please reset the NVRAM.
Thanks, how?
I did this and the progress bar advanced all the way, but is now stuck there: light grey screen with apple logo and full bar. Any other ideas?
It restarted a few times while I held the Shift button, (didn't get to the login screen), then when I let it go it loaded the progress line with the apple logo. Still in that screen, no change.
I am trying to restart with Recovery Mode.
I ran First Aid on start-up disk and the 2 Core Storage groups in my computer, all ok. Then restart within Recovery, and it did though taking a long time to do so. I'm in! Thank you.
Your welcome, likely a corrupt install.
Good to hear, sorry you got taken by the people at CMM. Perhaps you can request a refund, I certainly would.
iMac stuck in boot screen