Logic Pro X Plugin Manager won't open and plugins won't rescan
I was working in a Logic project when all of a sudden my internet broadband connection crashed.
Immediately all plug-ins were disconnected (see screen shot)...
I closed down Logic, re-connected the broadband internet connection and then restarted Logic.
When my project (or any project) re-opened, the plug-ins were still disconnected... as well the 'Plug-in Manager' option greyed-out in the 'Preferences' (see screenshot)...
I checked a couple of support pages online and have tried the suggestion that appeared several times - to delete the 'com.apple.audiounits.cache' file in the 'Macintosh HD/Users/My Username/Library/Cashes/AudioUbitCache' -folder and restart Logic...
What happens when I try this is that Logic correctly starts the rescanning of the audio units but gets stuck almost directly and doesn't complete (see screen shot)...
Something seems to be blocking Logic to rescan the audio units successfully...
Also, I notice that there in the above mentioned 'AudioUnitCache' -folder now is an additional file called 'isEnumeratingAUs.flag' (see screenshot)...
I don't know if this can shed some light as to what could be going wrong...
I should also mention that when I open a project after performing the 'remove cache file' move, I see multiple black small 'Exec' icon files opening and closing in the bottom desktop menu... until the project opens and the above mentioned unsuccessful audio unit scan window show up...
Any ideas what could be wrong here...?
I am in the middle of an album mix with a tight deadline so this problem came very inconveniently indeed... : )
Any help would be much appreciated...