Can I create a round border type donut chart?
Hey Guys,
I am struggling to create a round border donut chart in Keynote.
I need it to look similar to this:
Or this:
Any ideas how to achieve it in Keynote?
Hey Guys,
I am struggling to create a round border donut chart in Keynote.
I need it to look similar to this:
Or this:
Any ideas how to achieve it in Keynote?
do the same for the other end and both sides to create the curved line
do the same for the other end and both sides to create the curved line
move the pointer over the rectangle shape while still in Editable mode
drag one of the the central side handles with a red spot, outwards:
drag the other central side handle on the other side to match the curve shape:
you may need to adjust any of the handles to fit the correct shape of the curve
Hey Gary... was part of your tutorial missing?
I see how you create curved endpoints... but how do you now curve the line?
Thank you for this, Gary.
Can I create a round border type donut chart?