Your phone.....assuming that it was new when you purchased about 6 months old. On average.....over longer periods of time, the battery will decline about 1% a month. But, that's an average. It is probably fair to say that all batteries behave differently.
If it were my phone, I would expect that the battery would be in the 94% range. Your battery is at 95%.
I don't understand why you are concerned about your battery. It is doing just fine.
My recommendation would be to set the battery up to use Optimized Battery Charging and connect the power supply to the phone every night and leave it connected all night......every night. The battery will charge relatively quickly to 80%, then very slowly trickle charge up to 100% by the time that you are ready to use the phone the next day.
If you are only charging the battery to 80%, you are going to have to charge your battery more often. There is no advantage to doing this. You can do this if you want, but you will spend a lot more time watching the battery when you don't need to do this.
You will drive yourself crazy if you are checking the battery all the time and worrying about its performance.