iTunes, DRM, Old Hardware, and dead email accounts
My wife recently found her old iPod Classic A1238, so that is 6th Gen. She asked me to get her music off of it. What I can accomplish is getting the files off it and onto my computer. However, half of them have DRM and so will not play except in iTunes. Here is the issue:
I do have the old macbook pro that she was using at the time. however, when I open itunes and connect the ipod it wants to a) sync the iPod and erase everything on the iPod; b) wants us to sign into iTunes, but the email she used then is long gone and dead.
I need to get the music from that ipod into itunes on the old macbook pro so that I can start burning CDs, which is apparently the only way to be able to move the old music to her current PC and phone.
Finally, although I do have the old macbook, we have changed over to Windows PC years ago. (It was just a cost thing. couldn't afford the Apple ecosystem. Wish we could, but we can't.) If there is a way forward in the windows world, I'll take that too. I've looked a long time and couldn't find any better solution than burning CDs out of iTunes. The only other one is to play the songs on the iPod and record the audio signal out of the earphone jack into Audacity or something. But there are around 150 DRM songs on the ipod and I have to add the metadata to every file I make that way.
iPod Classic