Apple Remote Desktop locks the screen on connecting (and can't unlock)
I recently upgraded a Mac Mini M1 to OS Sonoma 14.3. I was using this Mac Mini without a monitor and always connected to it using apple remote desktop. However, when I connect now (from a Macbook Pro M2, Sonoma 14.2, latest version of ARD) the mac mini immediately shows a locked screen (see screenshot attached) which I can't unlock via ARD.
(this lock fades in and out for a few seconds - after that it's just a dark grey - back screen that I can't get past)
When I hook up the Mac Mini to a monitor, when connecting via ARD, I can see the Mac Mini disconnects from the monitor (which says no signal, as if I where to unplug the HDMI cable). As soon as I break the ARD connection, the monitor receives signal again.
I've tried a couple of things such as removing remote management and turning it back on again, trying with the screen sharing setting on & off, ran a reset screensharing command on the cli, rebooting both host & client a couple of times.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards