I can’t download Facebook on my iPhone 8
I can’t download Facebook on my iPhone 8
Each time I want to download Facebook the asked me to update ios13.4
iPhone 8, iOS 13
I can’t download Facebook on my iPhone 8
Each time I want to download Facebook the asked me to update ios13.4
iPhone 8, iOS 13
You might have iOS 13.3.1 or older versions of iOS 13, Your iPhone 8 can be updated up to iOS 16.7.8. Update your iPhone to iOS 13.4 or recent version of iOS in order to download Facebook.
You might have iOS 13.3.1 or older versions of iOS 13, Your iPhone 8 can be updated up to iOS 16.7.8. Update your iPhone to iOS 13.4 or recent version of iOS in order to download Facebook.
How can I download Facebook on my iPhone 8?
Here is how to: Update your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
And what to do: If your iPhone or iPad won't update - Apple Support
Once this iPhone 8 has been updated, you should then be able to download Facebook app.
iPhone 8 is supported on iOS 16, but not on the current iOS 17.
I can’t download Facebook on my iPhone 8