PPT with all notes to Notability
I am a PA student who uses my iPad for school and many of our professors use PPTs to deliver lectures, and put important additional information in the notes sections of PPTs. I used to be able to press “Air Print” (with no intent of ever printing, but it was the only way I could figure out how to format this way) select the layout as one slide per page with the notes underneath. Then press the send and select Notability.
Recently that option for layout has been removed, so I don’t know how to send my PPTs with the notes and space for written notes to Notability, like I used to be able to do.
The work around I used to use was never perfect as it would cut off the PPT notes. It would be AWESOME if there was a fix for both of those issues:
- Exporting PPTs with notes to Notability
- With that export making sure all of the notes are transferred and not cut off
Help please!
iPad Air