How do I get rid of my hacker
How do I get rid of my hacker
iPhone 11, iOS 15
How do I get rid of my hacker
iPhone 11, iOS 15
Well he got in some how. I changed my iCloud per and made passcode. He is constantly changing my passwords. I set my phone up and he tears it apart. Google can tell the difference.dHe does things that keep me from doing things I need to do . Order medicine, get phone calls. He constantly doing something and I go in circles. I even have a vpn on my phone. What do I do. He is a genius. I mean he has put android code on my iPhone. I can share the files with you that prove it.
You have not been hacked unless you have given your phone someone else, along with your Apple ID and Password.
What makes you think that your phone has been hacked?
A non-jailbroken phone cannot be hacked. Why do you think you were hacked?
Ty for responding to me
How do I get rid of my hacker