Cloud Library doesn't update, overrides all local changes I make
Hi all
I detected doublons, missing tracks, tracks with no meta data, etc.
- When I "Delete from Library" + "Move files to bin" and empty the bin, I then select "Update Cloud Library", the track I deleted comes back 100% of the time, any changes in meta data reverses back too.
- Also, some songs I want to play do not download or stream. It plays only 10s and fail. Trying to download them manually leads to error message suggesting I am offline.
- in the side bar, "Radio" in Apple Music says "Something went wrong, try again later"
I have tried
- unchecking "Sync my library" on all devices
- logging out my account in music, then in the device's Preferences itself, all devices
- Starting Music in Safe mode,
- Create a new library, and start with this one in safe mode
- Combination of the above.
Nothing does it. The library became corrupted, got uploaded and somehow keeps overriding local changes.
I'm quite losing my mind and frustrated:
Local library reverses to a state where I've lost roughly 10 years of content, 1000+ duplicates with no meta data so it it just really hard to find them even and due to storage optimisation, I do not even have physical files on my computer so if the cloud library doesn't have them, I've lost them entirely. Some includes my own productions...
Is there any way to reverse back to a Music *Cloud* library back up from a week ago? Does apple keep those?