Apple Music app has duplicated every song in my library... Help!
The Music app has duplicated every song. How can I stop this from happening and how can I get rid of the duplicate files? I have thousands of albums in my library...
The Music app has duplicated every song. How can I stop this from happening and how can I get rid of the duplicate files? I have thousands of albums in my library...
Thanks! I saw these articles before, but this time I bit the bullet. It took a couple of hours of selecting for deletion, but now dupes are gone... phew. I'm hoping it's not a recurring problem. I'm a long time user of Itunes and I hesitate to switch.
Make sure to backup your library on a regular basis. That way you can restore the state of the database, or the entire library, in response to any similar issue that might occur. On a Mac Time Machine should do the trick for you.
Apple Music app has duplicated every song in my library... Help!