iOS Read Only after copying files from SMB
Hey there,
On my MBP I have shared several folders and one drive via Samba.
I‘ve connected to that share with my iPhone and iPad both running 15.2 using a sharing account with read/write permissions.
It all worked fine. I can also still write to the shared folders. However, I have copied some folder to a local folder (Downloads - not in iCloud!) on my iPhone using the Files app and those are now set to Read Only. We‘re talking > 20 GB here, so that‘s a real issue.
I‘ve now update to 15.2.1, hoping it might work as a fix, but unsuccessfully.
Obviously, several restarts have already happened…
Any ideas on how I could change the permissions or fix the issue any other way?
I‘ve been experiencing issues with the Files app on both my iPhone and iPad recently, several crashes when trying to copy files even on the device itself (no servers or cloud shares), but it turned out nearly impossible to copy to/from any cloud services.
I‘m still hoping, I won‘t have to entirely set up both devices from scratch, so any advice would be appreciated.