MacBook Pro 2012 flashing question mark on start up
Apple diagnostics said problem with storage device
Apple diagnostics said problem with storage device
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities.
Contact Apple Support for service options: Get Support.
Only go to Apple, an Apple Authorized Service Provider, or send your device to Apple for service (if applicable or available). Do not go to a 3rd party/unauthorized repair center or attempt a repair yourself. This is for the assurance of authorized and professional repairs that use genuine Apple parts. Please refer to this from Apple Support:
Beware of counterfeit parts
Some counterfeit and third party power adapters and batteries may not be designed properly and could result in safety issues. To ensure you receive a genuine Apple battery during a battery replacement, we recommend visiting an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider. If you need a replacement adapter to charge your Apple device, we recommend getting an Apple power adapter.
Also non-genuine replacement displays may have compromised visual quality and may fail to work correctly. Apple-certified screen repairs are performed by trusted experts who use genuine Apple parts.
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities.
Contact Apple Support for service options: Get Support.
Only go to Apple, an Apple Authorized Service Provider, or send your device to Apple for service (if applicable or available). Do not go to a 3rd party/unauthorized repair center or attempt a repair yourself. This is for the assurance of authorized and professional repairs that use genuine Apple parts. Please refer to this from Apple Support:
Beware of counterfeit parts
Some counterfeit and third party power adapters and batteries may not be designed properly and could result in safety issues. To ensure you receive a genuine Apple battery during a battery replacement, we recommend visiting an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider. If you need a replacement adapter to charge your Apple device, we recommend getting an Apple power adapter.
Also non-genuine replacement displays may have compromised visual quality and may fail to work correctly. Apple-certified screen repairs are performed by trusted experts who use genuine Apple parts.
Your internal Storage device is something wrong. You need to replace it. 2.5inch SATA HDD/SSD is suit with your MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro 2012 flashing question mark on start up