I was charged 21.69 on 11/28/21 for something I didn’t purchase.
How do I get my money back?
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 15
How do I get my money back?
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 15
Unknown Charge?
Avoid accidental purchases
It could be Phishing
Unknown Charge?
Avoid accidental purchases
It could be Phishing
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
This is a user - to - user forum, We do not work for Apple and are not able to refund the money to you!
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple
See your purchase history for the App Store, iTunes Store, and more
If you see 'apple.com/bill' on your billing statement
If you check your purchase history, you can visit reportaproblem.apple.com to submit the refund request.
If you are unable to locate the charge on your purchase history, check every family member's purchase history in the house.
**Please Note that the refund process can take up to 48 hours for Apple to make a decision on your eligibility for the refund, and if you are eligible for the refund it can take up to 30 days to receive the refund. If you used your Apple ID balance, it can take up to 48 hours to receive the money after you have been approved. IF the charge you stated is a subscription, the subscription will end on or 48 hours after the approval date, but if it doesn't get approved then it will remain active until the next billing cycle. If you decide to resubscribe in the future, you will be ineligible for any future free trials or Offers and the pricing may vary. You can check the status of the request at reportaproblem.apple.com and also make future refund request on there as well.**
Hope this helps ;)
I was charged 21.69 on 11/28/21 for something I didn’t purchase.