Apple Configurator 2 - (Dummy guide Needed) Setting Up with iPad's and iPod's
Hi all,
I have recently taken on a new role managing devices within a medical service where we provide device to individuals, We have had an old Macbook Pro (2011) that has been used for supervising devices and have recently purchased a new 21.5 iMac to continue this task.
The Apple Configurator 2 on that device was set up some time ago by a member of staff who has long since left the department and I want to be able to set the new iMac up to Supervise devices and to also see what else we may be able to do using Configurator 2, I have looked online but seem to keep coming to dead ends with information on what I can do and was wondering if anyone is able to help me and to an extent teach me some more about apple configurator or point me towards some more helpgful information.
Thanks in advance,
iMac Line (2012 and Later)