Two questions pertaining to connecting 2020 iPad pro to a powered USB hub.
1. I've read that I should use a lightning to USB camera connector to add a hub to my iPad. Why do I need a lightning to USB camera? Why can't I just use a lightning to USB to connect the iPad? I don't understand why I need the camera port on the dongle if I'm not going to be using it. Or have I just read this (more than once) because the writer assumes everyone will want to connect a camera?
2. I am confused about ensuring that there's enough power. Of course I will get a powered USB hub and connect that to an outlet. But I've read that I need additional power for the iPad. Well, there's only one lightning port on the iPad and that has to be used for the hub. Is the idea that I use my iPad charger, connect to a lightning port on the hub, and connect the other end into an outlet? That seems weird. How does this bring direct power to the iPad? It would seem that I'm somehow powering the hub twice.
Putting these two questions together into a possible solution, why couldn't I use a lightning splitter so one end of the dongle plugs into the iPad lightning port and the other end has two lightning ports? That way, one of ports can be used with the original charger that came with the iPad to plug into an outlet, and the other can be used to connect a USB hub? The hub itself would connect to an outlet.