Health app
How to restore accidentally deleted Health app to Home Screen in iOS 14.3
iPhone XS
How to restore accidentally deleted Health app to Home Screen in iOS 14.3
iPhone XS
Hello veluapple,
Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities. We understand you are unable to locate the Health app. The Health app was more than likely removed from the Home Screen and not deleted. You’re in the right place, we’d be glad to assist in seeking a solution.
We're sharing resources below, to help you locate the Health app and move it back to your Home Screen.
Hello veluapple,
Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities. We understand you are unable to locate the Health app. The Health app was more than likely removed from the Home Screen and not deleted. You’re in the right place, we’d be glad to assist in seeking a solution.
We're sharing resources below, to help you locate the Health app and move it back to your Home Screen.
Thanks SnickZ
Health app