Subscription by mistake
I made subscription by mistake
how to return back my money
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 14
I made subscription by mistake
how to return back my money
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 14
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Cancel/see your subscriptions here - See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
Try applying for a refund here, but there is no guarantee it will be refunded - Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple – Apple Support
Or Contact Apple Support - Contact - Official Apple Support
You are not speaking to Apple, this is a user to user community.
We are unable to help with refunds, account issues or purchases
Cancel/see your subscriptions here - See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
Try applying for a refund here, but there is no guarantee it will be refunded - Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple – Apple Support
Or Contact Apple Support - Contact - Official Apple Support
Subscription by mistake