iTunes wont play playlist songs, scrolls thru list
Unique problem.
I have 2 Apple Id's, 3 PC's and iPhone in play here.
PC A and iPhone work fine with both Apple id's. PC's B and C BOTH have same issue with both Apple ID's.
On PC's B and C the same problem occurs with BOTH Id's. Playlist songs don't play, they scroll thru the entire list without playing (not even a sec) song. When pulling up an artist that has a list of songs, same issue, songs don't play just scroll down the list. All PC's running WIN 10.
iTunes will play songs from Radio tab bar up top.
I have done all of the following on BOTH PC's.
- log out/log in
- rebooted PC's
- uninstall/ reinstall iTunes
- removed Malware Bytes
- Checked WIN Defender Firewall, iTunes is white listed app
- checked box for: iCloud Music Library
Windows, Windows 10