App store
I can't find any recent posts on this or information online. What happened to the Categories link on the Mac App store. Are games no longer available?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
I can't find any recent posts on this or information online. What happened to the Categories link on the Mac App store. Are games no longer available?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
That is disappointing, your solution is to get a new Mac really? Do you buy a new house when your shower faucet breaks too?
At the moment the only options which helped me, are google, macupdate, and to find apps I need, and steam for games. I haven't find a better solution, and It seems apple doesn't care anymore. If you guys have better solutions please let me know.
ilgaar wrote:
That is disappointing, your solution is to get a new Mac really? Do you change your house when your shower breaks too?
If the house is old, inefficient, can not be brought up to current standards, then yes.
A house is not a product like a computer so your comment does not apply.
I don't argue with what you said, and you might be right to some extent. But this issue is not something which promotes changing an entire machine, I don't see why a missing category button in AppStore, can not be fixed, but instead promoting people to change to more expensive newer fancier machines that is if they can afford it of course, which is another question, would be a better viable more efficient etc. solution. I though Apple is a customer oriented company, not a company oriented company, and I hope it is still true.
ilgaar wrote:
I don't argue with what you said, and you might be right to some extent. But this issue is not something which promotes changing an entire machine, I don't see why a missing category button in AppStore, can not be fixed, but instead promoting people to change to more expensive newer fancier machines that is if they can afford it of course, which is another question, would be a better viable more efficient etc. solution.
You don't know the poster's situation. Maybe they are having other problems with the 8 year old computer. Maybe they have apps that will soon require a new computer, maybe, ... All they said was maybe it is time for a new computer. Maybe in their situation it is time for a new computer. Why question their off-the-cuff statement? I often say "maybe ts time for a new car" if the radio gets satatic for a moment, or I need new tires, etc.
Categories is still available on my Mac (running macOS Catalina). Both in the sidebar and via Store in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
No longer available in Sierra. Time for a new Mac I guess.
There was never a Categories in Sierras AppStore, but use the Search function to identify what you want.
Up until about a month ago, not really sure of the time, I could always select Categories and then click on Games!
Well, I guess you are right. I might have taken a simple comment too serious.
App store