Phishing/Hack Attempt
I just received this email with an attachment (See attached). I think it is a fake. Anyone else receive something of this type?
Thanks much,
MacBook Pro 15”, macOS 10.15
I just received this email with an attachment (See attached). I think it is a fake. Anyone else receive something of this type?
Thanks much,
MacBook Pro 15”, macOS 10.15
The usual baloney. Notice the poor English and grammar. Apple will never refer to you as "customer". And while this one isn't as bad as many I've seen, they capitalized Please after a comma.
This may not sound like much for evidence, but Apple is very particular about sending out communications with proper spelling and grammar. When you see anything like this, it's a virtual certainty to be a scam.
Also, is a not an Apple domain.
I'm going to request the hosts remove the image as it shows your personal email address. Not something you want visible on a public forum.
The usual baloney. Notice the poor English and grammar. Apple will never refer to you as "customer". And while this one isn't as bad as many I've seen, they capitalized Please after a comma.
This may not sound like much for evidence, but Apple is very particular about sending out communications with proper spelling and grammar. When you see anything like this, it's a virtual certainty to be a scam.
Also, is a not an Apple domain.
I'm going to request the hosts remove the image as it shows your personal email address. Not something you want visible on a public forum.
Can't see anything (no image in post). Regardless, thousands of scam emails go out every day.
If it's a supposed purchase from iTunes or the App Store, then we don't even need to see it to know with 100% certainty it's fake. That because Apple does not ever include attachments with their sales invoices.
Delete and ignore.
Thanks very much, Kurt. Here is a screen shot of the email:
Thanks very much for your advice. I shall delete.
Best regards,
[Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Personal Information]
Thanks, Kurt!
Much obliged,
You're welcome. 🙂
Phishing/Hack Attempt